“This Land Is Part of Us: Washington’s shrub-steppe ecosystem
3,985 views Feb 8, 2021 A short film produced by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Conservation Northwest.
The shrub-steppe of central Washington’s Columbia Basin is a land of rich biodiversity, vibrant communities and poignant beauty. It is a place both iconic and increasingly at-risk.
Despite impacts from severe wildfires and habitat fragmentation, recovery programs are underway for species such as sage-grouse, pygmy rabbits, sharp-tailed grouse and pronghorn antelope, while efforts including the Arid Lands Initiative and Conservation Reserve Program foster constructive partnership for the future of Washington’s shrub-steppe. “
Floods of lava (Columbia River Basalts) and Ice Age Floods of water (Lake Missoula floods and the Bonneville Flood) are world-famous topics among geologists. To have both sets of floods in the same area means the geology of the Inland Northwest is truly Disneyland for Geologists!
The Federal Bureau of Reclamation Representative, Gina Hoff, lecture to Soap Lake Conservancy. Her insights on historical and current management of Soap Lake's mineral waters.
May 13, 2017.Dr. Leo Bodensteiner discusses Soap Lake's unique chemical makeup and history.
Mineral samples returned to Soap Lake Conservancy