Take Action
Your donation funds additional testing work, education, and other conservation work. Please donate via Venmo @SoapLake-Conservancy or send a check PO Box 65, Soap Lake, WA 98851
Join us
Tell your friends and family about this unique mineral lake. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself.
JOIN US goes to an interest survey. The membership form you can print and send.
“HEY YOU” . . .
step-up and sponsor with your advocacy, time, and money.
work to educate yourself, students, & other citizens
“eyes on the lake” - look & report when you see issues around the lake (Are people removing mud or water? Do you see machinery near the water?)
rinse off the mud at the beach to keep the minerals in the lake
pick up garbage and pet waste so it doesn’t enter the lake
always use the bathrooms at the beach - the lake is not a toilet
reduce pesticides and fertilizers in your garden, to reduce runoff into the lake
become a member of Soap Lake Conservancy
donate funds for our 501(c)3 non-profit projects
sponsor an action, for example, annual mineral and lake health collection and testing
write letters or emails advocating for the conservation and restoration of the lake
advocate for the preservation of mineral lakes
share information and support mineral lakes around the world